Unit Two – Reflection on LinkedIn & Report Proposal


In unit 2, the goal was to begin the process of creating two major documents: the formal report and the application package on LinkedIn. Personally, I had never used or browsed the LinkedIn website before, hence the process was quite interesting. I find LinkedIn to be an amazing site where I can connect with and follow my potential future employers. This type of professional social media networking profile is almost an asset to have these days, especially since social media is becoming a huge part of our daily lives. I will definitely use my created profile in the future as well.

For the formal report, we began the process by constructing a report proposal and a tentative outline. The initial process of brainstorming was somewhat challenging. I started by brainstorming very broad topics and then eventually narrowed them down to tackle a very specific problem at the hospice I volunteer at. My topic is, “A proposal to allow easy access to a Canada Post office for residents of Mennonite Benevolent Society.” So far, I am following my planned outline and everything seems to be moving smoothly. I have already conducted my interview and the surveys are near completion.

After submitting the report proposal, my proposal was peer reviewed by Parynaz Adamy. Her suggestions about providing more background information regarding the Mennoplace facility were justified. I need to keep in mind that not everyone is aware of the place that I am familiar with.

Similarly, I peer reviewed Parynaz Adamy’s report proposal. Throughout the reviewing process I have learned that I tend to be very descriptive and particular about details in my writing. I focus a lot of time on making sure my writing flows well and is concise. I noticed that my peer did some research and included statistics in her proposal, which was great. Overall, I think the peer reviewing process has impacted my writing in a positive manner. It helped me judge the relative quality and merit of my research.

Formal Report Proposal – Revised

Formal Report – Peer Review

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