A Comprehensive Brief on Syria

It’s about time Syria sorts itself out. We know that, but we don’t really know why that hasn’t happened already. We’re all tired of hearing diluted information that doesn’t quite tell us what is really happening in Syria. Which is why I am going to describe the situation in Syria (something most of us are quite overdue for,) and offer my opinion at the same time.

Since 1971 the Assad family has held power over Syria. Bashar al-Assad being the most recent ruler, failed to offer economic and political reforms for many years until 2011, when the population became, for lack of a better word, ‘fed-up’ with the incompetence of the regime they were held under. So, in a very disorganized attempt to make their voices heard, the civilians of Syria gathered into local tribal groups out of frustration. With no central command, this group of people with relatively mixed agendas grew, and grew… attaining all sorts of diversified people.

Let me point out  that Syria is a place of large religious history. Considering the 87-90% Muslim population of Syria, it is at times difficult for these people to get along with themselves never mind forge a focused alliance on forming a new government. With accusations of atrocities coming from both sides, e.g. the chemical bombings of civilians by the government, and the murdering based on religion.

Long story short, it’s a nasty civil war war with both sides taking cheap shots, and an increasing need for an omnipotent power to come in and set things right (not like in Iraq but a similar thing.) With the religious indoctrination all around, the mixed agendas of the masses, and general chaos and brutality, it is going to take a very deep breath, and a new mindset to overcome the problem Syria is facing.


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