The 8 Laws of Personal Branding

Posted by: | February 25, 2011 | Leave a Comment

As Elaine was talking about branding in class yesterday, something she showed on the slide really struck me : Brand = Trust. That simple equation somehow attracts me. I was immediately reminded of a women’s conference I went to just a year ago in my hometown, Jakarta. The speaker (a renowned public speaking coach and […]

You’re invited to the Oscar!

Posted by: | February 10, 2011 | Leave a Comment

Sunday, February 27 2011, 8pm. Mark the date on your calendar. Make sure you’re free on that day, because you’re invited to the Oscar this year! You really don’t want to miss this golden opportunity because invitations to the Oscar don’t come very often. Don’t believe me? Check out this video from the Oscar hosts, […]

Are you a Belieber?

Posted by: | February 3, 2011 | 3 Comments

I don’t understand why so many people are against Justin Bieber. I admit that I was skeptical about him at first, but I proudly declare that I am a big Bieber fan now. I mean, how can you not like him? He has an awesome voice, he can dance, he’s young and good-looking! And if […]

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