In its tenth season now, American Idol is more popular than ever. The sensational singing competition has over 30 million viewers, each voting for their favourite contestants every week. I have always been a big fan of American Idol, but more so this time. The diversity of talents displayed are just spectacular: each singer has […]

Google, the world’s leader in search engine, is redefining the business by its current introduction of the People Finder. People Finder is a database that facilitates communication between people in the face of a disaster, such as the current Japan earthquake and tsunami. Basically it helps you to search for missing family members and friends and […]

The latest buzz about Starbucks’ new logo is spreading fast. To celebrate its 40th Anniversary on March 30, Starbucks adopted a minimalist new face : the cropped green siren (without the circle around it and the word “Starbucks Coffee”) Starbucks dropped the word “coffee” on their logo because they don’t want to be limited to […]

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