Google, the world’s leader in search engine, is redefining the business by its current introduction of theĀ People Finder.

People Finder is a database that facilitates communication between people in the face of a disaster, such as the current Japan earthquake and tsunami. Basically it helps you to search for missing family members and friends and get an update of their status.

After such a huge disaster like the one in Japan, most telephone servers are down.This creates a lot of anxiety especially when we are trying to reach family members to find out if they are okay.

That was what happened to my mom.

Her sister lives in Tokyo Japan, and as soon as she heard about the disaster, she tried to reach her on her cellphone. But to no surprise, she couldn’t get the call through. She was very worried and needed to hear from her sister.

With the People Finder though, anyone who has an internet connection can easily access the database anywhere and update their current status and inform family members back home or anywhere in the world. Even though it’s not a hundred per cent accurate, at least it gives people a little bit of information, a bit of hope.

I applaud Google for taking their business to another level. Not only are they highly innovative, but more importantly, they are innovative for a purpose.

I think that should be the ultimate goal of whatever business we are in.

Google is in the business of providing information with excellence. Based on their strength, they are now helping and supporting the people in Japan in the aftermath of this disaster. What they are doing is life changing.

Reading some the status breaks my heart.I pray that someday Japan will see the rainbow after the rain.


1 Comment so far

  1. qiangsha on March 24, 2011 6:49 pm

    Nice blog.

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