As the course comes to an end today (it’s the last day of classes!), I thought about the lessons I could take away from it.

Honestly, I am not able to recall every minute detail of every lecture, but the impression that I got everytime I come to class is that the lesson was fun and engaging.

I give credit to the professors and TAs who have worked hard to achieve this. You don’t always get to sit in a one-and-a-half-hour lecture that’s so full of energy!

Out of all the insights the course has provided me with, this strucked me the most : Marketing teaches you about being Creative.

The packaging needs to be ‘tempting‘ , the ads have to be ‘appealing‘ and ‘actively engaging‘ the consumers, the promotion strategies have to be different and ‘edgy‘.

It’s all about creativity.

That’s the thing that attracts people’s attention in this era.

If you want your product or your company, your ideas or whatever that you are selling to be successful, you need to have the key ingredient for it : your creative juices.

With all the unique platforms available through social media (Twitter, Youtube, Facebook etc), it’s up to your imagination how you want to present your products.

And the sky is the limit basically.

What we have to do is dig deeper into our minds, into our hearts and into our souls.

Observe more, think more, explore more.

I believe we are all born and equipped to be creative because we were all created as unique individuals to start with!

I hope that we all pick up on this important lesson and strive to achieve creativity every step along the way as we move towards success.

Here’s a great ad to drive home the message that creativity matters. Enjoy!

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