Are you a Belieber?

Posted by: | February 3, 2011 | 3 Comments

I don’t understand why so many people are against Justin Bieber. I admit that I was skeptical about him at first, but I proudly declare that I am a big Bieber fan now. I mean, how can you not like him? He has an awesome voice, he can dance, he’s young and good-looking! And if you actually listen to his songs, you will understand why millions of people are so in love with him. Here’s one of my all-time favourite Bieber song, “That Should Be Me” :

YouTube Preview Image

He’s so sensational that CBC even wrote an article about him (which I found out today in class) : “Don’t dismiss Justin Beiber too soon”. And I couldn’t agree more. Such a talent should be celebrated. At the same time, it is inevitable that his popularity would attract companies to endorse him. This soon-to-be-17 years-old has turned into a money-making machine. Every product that has his name or picture on it will sell out fast. Really fast.

Recently, when I was browsing through the Web for a new pair of earphones, I came across this purple Justin Beiber headphones. He has his own signature Monster Beats by Dr. Dre Headphones: JustBeats. That is so cool!

It costs CAD$249 to buy a pair of those purple headphones. That is definitely not cheap. But I’m pretty sure the price won’t stop Bieber fans to purchase the JustBeat headphones.

My point is, your passion and talent can definitely take you places. Justin had his humble beginnings as a YouTube singer, and now he is a major music icon. You can never know what to expect in life, but if you are passionate about something, pursue it with all your heart and something good will definitely come out of it.

Live your dream.


3 Comments so far

  1. Purple Cow » Archive » Justin Bieber Has a Zit? OMG, No Way! on March 1, 2011 10:52 pm

    […] blogger Ruth’s Bieber-themed post inspired me to write about the boy wonder, so for all you Beliebers out there hold on to your […]

  2. mofttrede on March 7, 2011 2:56 am

    okay, great put up! i find out easiest way to have justin-bieber follow u via twitter
    it’s here

  3. Why so Famous? | Andrea Lee's Blog on April 6, 2011 11:01 am

    […] about this week, and while I was reading through my classmates blog, I came across Ruth’s blogĀ about Justin Beiber. I totally agree with Ruth, I’m not crazy about JB but I just […]

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