The latest buzz about Starbucks’ new logo is spreading fast. To celebrate its 40th Anniversary on March 30, Starbucks adopted a minimalist new face : the cropped green siren (without the circle around it and the word “Starbucks Coffee”) Starbucks dropped the word “coffee” on their logo because they don’t want to be limited to […]

It is now faster, lighter, thinner, better, and it comes in white. If you’re thinking of the new iPad 2, you’re absolutely right. Just yesterday, Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, introduced Apple’s latest product – an improved version of the iPad. Even though the new gadget has yet to make its entrance into the […]

The 8 Laws of Personal Branding

Posted by: | February 25, 2011 | Leave a Comment

As Elaine was talking about branding in class yesterday, something she showed on the slide really struck me : Brand = Trust. That simple equation somehow attracts me. I was immediately reminded of a women’s conference I went to just a year ago in my hometown, Jakarta. The speaker (a renowned public speaking coach and […]

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