Greece Unsuccessful?

by sabrinarai ~ October 3rd, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

For the past two years the euro zone has been trying to fight off their debt by throwing billions of euros at the problem. They are not only throwing money, but giving it away unsuccessfully. This week euro zone finance ministers will meet in Luxembourg to discuss how they will or can increase the strength of the European Financial Stability Facility. The bailout fund that was set up last year by EFSF has been used by Ireland and Portugal. The goal of this meeting will be to see how they can make the most out of this facility, and to develop a successful strategy so they are not throwing away billions of euros. These changes will hopefully be completed just in time for the Brussels summit on October 18th, 2011, which will be the next “make-or-break moment” for Greece’s future. Hopefully this summit will pull Greece out of this unsuccessful period and will allow them to “get on top of its debt crisis.” In my opinion, I believe that this will be the turning point for Greece, and after the summit Greece will pull themselves through this tough economical period.

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