Written Analysis

In present Western culture, ads are commonly riddled with underlying meanings and symbols that are looked past. People in Western society have become so custom at failing to realize the real meaning and underlying messages that are packed into ads that surround us. An example of this is presented in this American Apparel ad which portrays the dominance of a man, and the submissive nature of a woman. The man stands tall and broad, while holding the legs of a woman upside down. The man is shown in control of the woman and her sexuality, essentially highlighting society’s views of female sexuality overall. Pop culture continuously presents women as objects that are readily available for male attention, rarely presenting women with their own individual sex drive. Instead, ads have women pose solely for the purpose of attracting men. Women are often seen as passive, and obedient in sexual circumstances and this ad perpetuates this idea of male dominance.

Additionally, if one were to unjam this ad further, it could be interpreted that the male’s stance is also connected to the Western World’s rape culture. Whereby men have the strength and dominance to take advantage of a woman’s sexuality and force his own sexuality upon her.  When glancing at this ad, one of the most prominent features, is the woman’s legs and their positioning. They are spread as far apart as possible, with nothing else to be seen of the women, except her shoes. Ultimately, portraying the woman in the ad as a sexual object, ready to be dominated by a man.

Original ad, by American Apparel:

Jammed Ad, by Salice Kale:

Jamming Philosophy   

My reinvented version of this American Apparel ad attempted to highlight and point out the way that women are so commonly portrayed in media culture. Many people do not look twice at ads such as these because they have become to use to seeing these images everywhere they go. However, even a simple ad for clothing like this one displayed has underlying and serious issues within it. The original ad does not even have writing on it, other than the brand of the clothing, however it has a lot of meaning packed into it. I have taken off the brand of the company and replaced it with the phrase “sexual objectification”, as it shows the viewer exactly how the woman in this ad is portrayed, like an object. Furthermore, not only is the woman portrayed as an object, but she is also shown in a passive position, which is how popular culture commonly shows women in media. Women’s sex drive and desire are often seen to be dependant on that of a male’s, which is presented in this ad, however rarely noted by the viewers. By stripping down this ad, to merely stating “sexual objectification”, it highlights purely how women are seen in media, and how they are treated daily.