English 301 is an intensive writing course aimed at students practicing and developing essential writing and communication skills in professional, business and technical settings, including formal reports, proposals, email memos, and resume writing. The writing skills learned through this course will help students beyond post-secondary and into their professional careers. Students will get the opportunity to work on self-editing skills, get feedback from the instructor, and work collaboratively with peers through various assignments throughout the term.
The course is divided into four units, each focusing on an essential technical writing component. Unit one provides an overview of technical writing and prepares you for formal report writing in business correspondence. In unit two, students will design and submit a report proposal to your writing team. Afterwards, you will peer-review your colleagues’ report proposals and send memos to your instructor summarizing theirs. Building on the work in unit two, students will design and write a complete job application package to be posted in the student’s Web Folio in unit three. Finally, the focus in Unit 4 will be on revising the formal report, emphasizing its organization, evidence, audience, and style. The style of this class is to ensure students build on and improve their work through peer reviews and feedback from the instructor.
This course will help me gain confidence in my professional correspondence by building on the writing strategies I have developed during my four years of academic study. Collaborating with my peers, I hope to learn and provide practical yet informative modes of providing and receiving feedback.