University of British Columbia 

Vancouver, BC


Jan 24, 2023


ENGL 301:Technical Writing Class 

Subject: Consideration for Prospective Team Member

Dear classmates, 

I would like to express my interest in joining a writing team for ENG 301. As a fourth-year student completing the last semester of my undergraduate degree and currently working full-time in the Social Services sector, I have accumulated extensive writing experience in both a professional and academic capacity, which would enable me to provide support and feedback to my team members throughout the term. 

Having worked with newcomer youth since 2020 as a Newcomer Youth Programmer and currently as the Youth Settlement Counsellor for the non-profit organization South Vancouver Neighbourhood House (SVNH), I have gained a deeper understanding of how community support and resources affect youth’s life outcomes, particularly those new to Canada. Additionally, as a Volunteer Caseworker with the Muslim Food Bank, I assisted over ten newcomer families with government welfare applications, post-secondary applications and accessing employment services. These experiences, in turn, uncovered the significant gaps in law and policy regarding the rights and access to resources that newcomers receive and evoked my passion for grassroots social advocacy and interest in pursuing a career in policy analysis upon graduation. 

As a Youth Settlement Counsellor, I have applied for municipal and Canada-wide grants, written letters of interest and donation requests, and completed comprehensive narrative reports to the organization’s funder, Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Through these experiences, I have developed a solid ability to condense ideas into meaningful and precise professional writing, which I will utilize to complete the peer reviews. While I have experience writing on behalf of my employer, I want to develop my ability to write about myself, such as graduate school applications, professional biographies and self-reviews. 

Support and a student-centred learning model are key to academic success and an enjoyable learning experience. Support can be received in various ways, including family, friends, classmates, teachers or the community. A student’s ability to understand and learn will be enhanced with the proper support tailored to each student’s needs, determination, and access to adequate resources. 

Thank you for your interest and consideration. Please feel free to contact me at 

Salma Ismail. 


_301 Salma Ismail Application Letter (1)