In our ENGL 301 lesson 1.3 assignment, we were tasked with defining a term in three forms, including parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions, using at least four expansion strategies, one of which had to be visual. The goal of this assignment was to inform a “non-technical” audience about the selected term, as referenced by the assigned textbook pages. As someone accustomed to academic writing and technical vocabulary, I struggled to reduce the term to a simple explanation for my target audience of business professionals.

Despite this challenge, I chose to define the term “cultural capital,” which I had a strong understanding of from previous classes. Each definition structure served a different purpose in conveying the meaning of the term. A parenthetical definition offered a concise explanation, while a sentence definition provided more in-depth information. An expanded definition provided a comprehensive look at a term through various methods, such as historical context or visual explanation. This assignment taught me that different forms of definition could be used to convey unique insights into a term, with the intent to inform the reader.

Peer Review Process

During the peer review process, I had the opportunity to review Gareth Yuen’s work on a scientific term, which highlighted the difference in defining a theoretical term, like the one I had chosen. I found that an analysis of parts was the most effective definition for Gareth’s term, as it clearly described the different components of the blowback method’s mechanism. Meanwhile, for cultural capital, I found the visual to be most effective in breaking down the term into simple and easy-to-understand categories. The peer review process was helpful in receiving valuable feedback and learning how to review another’s work critically and objectively, with the intent to support their work.

In the editing process, I incorporated the constructive feedback received, such as bolding headings and subheadings, ensuring consistency in terminology, and avoiding confusing the audience. This process helped me look at my work from a different perspective and develop the confidence to offer constructive criticism, while also being open-minded to other people’s opinions. Ultimately, this assignment helped me to refine my communication skills and to approach defining terms in a more concise and effective manner.


Link to the revised definition:

Link to peer review: