Posted by: | 10th Nov, 2010

Digital Downloading

In the past video games has always been bought at a local store, and installed through memory holders such as CD. However, in the latest years many companies such as EA games provides digital downloading, and it has become one of the biggest sales method since.

Who is targeteted from digital downloading? Nowadays shopping online is easier than ever. With PayPal, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, and much more are all at a consumer’s disposal. By providing digital download, EA games targets various segments of consumers. This can be consumers who want the game right away, with download speeds going up to 5mb/sec nowadays most games are downloaded in an hour. Consumers who are just being lazy at home would also be easily targeted.

Digital downloading was an effective method of sales that EA games and many other Video Game industries did. It shows the power of how important it is to get your product to the consumer as convenient as possible.

Posted by: | 31st Oct, 2010

Office 2010

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Something that we may all see soon is Microsoft Office 2010. When Office 2007 came out, the change was sudden. Many problems occurred, but gradually Office 2007 became a worldwide used program.

2010 will offer many new changes once again, such as the new Communicator program.

This new youtube video showed an interesting way of how Office 2010 was advertised and marketed. As we all know, Office 2010 is a program we use for our work and such, but in this two minute advertisement it was portrayed to be a movie. Using things such as famous actors to say “Spell check ded” truly created quite a movement on youtube. Many viewers commented on the youtube video positively, and seems to be ready to buy it after watching such a funny video.

Microsoft Office or other Word programs are important necessities to many people’s life and job now. By making 2010 seem more of a “Fun image”, Microsoft Office will definitely succeed again in making Office 2010 a worldwide used program.

Posted by: | 24th Oct, 2010

Google Instant

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Most of you have probably already tried the new Google Instant. This is a huge change for the most used search engine in the world. When I first saw this, my reaction was “Who changed my settings?” I found out very soon this wasn’t the case.

Changes take time to get used to, and many people dislike Google Instant at the moment. However, on this video it shows all the advantages to Google Instant, primarily focused on time saving. Similar to auto fill-in, Google Instant can search the whole phrase for you after you just type part of it.

This definitely saves time. Google Instant though brings a few issues, for example how did the consumers of Google Instant find it? Many people dislike Google Instant, and the fault of this could be because of the way Google Instant was delivered. Google Instant was a setting that was defaulted on, and with no information of the changes and such, billions of Google users just started instantly using it. Millions and millions however, found the change perhaps confusing and in a sense showed dissonance for it.

Search engines and the technology will always continue to advance, hopefully Google Instant can find a way to find more consumers to like their new products.

Posted by: | 18th Oct, 2010

Politicians and Marketing

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In this clip of “Defining Moment”, Barack Obama talks about all the issues of the immediate environment. He understood what the issues were in America, and what steps were needed to seemingly solve everything.

Everything he said was in somewhat a modest tone, showing sincerity that he cares for his people (his consumers).

Though this ad was a campaign for the election of the president of the United States of America, it portrays the power of words and ideas in marketing. Barack Obama in this ad with almost a million viewers on youtube spoke very clearly of all the issues at hand, and how if you elect him he would be able do something about it. Whether this is true or not, we will see in a few years.

Posted by: | 10th Oct, 2010

The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

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This Old Spice commercial really shows how marketing could be targeted at the consumer’s social friends and families rather than the consumer himself. The marketing for this advertisement targets any young to older man with a partner. Any woman seeing this million dollar dollar romantic jet pilot on a television would probably immediately pay attention to it.

Why do men buy deodorants? Obviously not to smell bad, but the real reason is probably not to smell bad in front of their important person. If one day your girlfriend or wife starts talking to you about that funny Old Spice commercial, you would probably be inclined to buy it.

The same thing goes for the partner, when they’re out shopping for a present and see an Old Spice near by, they would remember this advertisement of a hot romantic jet pilot.

Old Spice’s advertisement with over 21 million youtube viewers depicts how effective an attention grabbing advertisement especially when targeted at a consumer’s social partners can be.

Posted by: | 30th Sep, 2010

Nutrigrain Bars, Feel Great!

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A nutrigrain advertisement from 2005. What a crazy commercial! I can still remember that woman’s face even now, which led me to post this blog.

This video portrays marketing techniques that focuses on grabbing attention. Particularly on television, when you’re just flipping around the channels attention grabbing is the most important thing there is. With almost 1 million viewers now on youtube, this ad really have grabbed the attention of millions.

There’s so much in this video that just instantly grabs a viewers attention at almost any moment you watch. The funny faces, the expressions, and the “GREEEAT” sounds that the actors make all instantly gets you smiling. When you smile and when you laugh, you’ll remember what event caused it.

Nutrigrain Bars, feel great!

Posted by: | 21st Sep, 2010

The World is Just Awesome

I Love the Whole World!

From Discovery Channel / Discovery Network

I don’t know about you, but whenever I watch this video it really does make me feel like the world is awesome! This advertisement had an incredible influence on me, and I’m a person who never watches Discovery Channel. However, on the day I saw this was the day I watched the channel for hours.

Even nowadays when I flip through the channels on my T.V, I will at least take a look at Discovery Channel before I move on.

Why was this advertisement so influential? I found the way they marketed themselves in this advertisement was simply amazing. The catchy repeating lyrics “I love the Whole World” joined with the tune, made it seem like Discovery Channel was able to reveal all the amazing things in the World to you, so that you would come to love it too. There’s the great blue skies, the deep space, and many other vast things this world has to offer but you might not be able to see everything on your own; however, you can take a hint at it on Discovery Channel.

Now this song is forever stuck in my head, and also in my iphone. I love the whole world!


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