Posted by: | 10th Nov, 2010

Digital Downloading

In the past video games has always been bought at a local store, and installed through memory holders such as CD. However, in the latest years many companies such as EA games provides digital downloading, and it has become one of the biggest sales method since.

Who is targeteted from digital downloading? Nowadays shopping online is easier than ever. With PayPal, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, and much more are all at a consumer’s disposal. By providing digital download, EA games targets various segments of consumers. This can be consumers who want the game right away, with download speeds going up to 5mb/sec nowadays most games are downloaded in an hour. Consumers who are just being lazy at home would also be easily targeted.

Digital downloading was an effective method of sales that EA games and many other Video Game industries did. It shows the power of how important it is to get your product to the consumer as convenient as possible.


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sure thing

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