
Who am I?

I’m currently a third-year student, finishing my degree in Honours Computer Science (with a minor in Linguistics) at the University of British Columbia.

Where did I come from?

After graduating from high school in 2001, I worked for a few years as a painter (think naked bums, not houses… I mean not painting ON naked bums but rather OF… uh, nevermind) under the mentorship of some outstanding figurative artists in Vancouver. I eventually felt like the false gratification of grades and the stress of constant deadlines was missing from my life, and so I applied to both Sheridan College and Emily Carr University, and while accepted to both, chose to stay here in Vancouver and attend Emily Carr. Big mistake- I hated it, and the left side of my brain was crying out for stimulus. In the end, I wound up here at UBC with an intent to study Physics/Astronomy and have finally found my calling in Computer Science. And I’m happy as a clam.

What’s the point of this blog?

This year, I have the pleasure of being part of the great students that make up the UBC Blog Squad. I also know that they all have significantly more exciting lives than me so I suggest that you go read about them now!

What else?

Apart from a relatively new, yet frighteningly intense love for Computer Science and everything about it, I still make a sad attempt at cultivating hobbies from time to time. One thing that I do love perhaps even more than computers is dogs (specifically golden retrievers (specifically MY golden retriever)). Otherwise, I’m really interested in languages (hence the linguistics minor) and I’m making an ongoing process of learning Icelandic, German, Swedish (all of the North Germanic languages, really) and Latin. Other oft-nerdy interests include jogging, everything about Google, Scrabble, Star Trek, astronomy, Harry Potter (!!) and the autumn issue of Martha Stewart (omg).

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