“GMO Must Go” – A realistic goal or utopian fantasy?

You guys look at it just look at it

Wild banana vs. modified banana

  Environmental lobbyist group GE Watch from Comox Valley has recently made the news for their aim of having the government of BC have all genetically modified foods labeled or even banned from the province. Pointing to studies around the world that have suggested links between GMOs and human health concerns such as autism and cancer, the group has  spoken to multiple municipalities on Vancouver Island and is quickly garnering support.

  However, is their plight realistic or is it based solely on pseudo-science? Critics have retaliated by stating that there is no legitimate proof that these modified food products have had a direct danger on humans. While that is unlikely to be a consoling factor for fearful parents or the health-conscious shopper, it is important to point out how simply banning genetically modified foods could pose as a roadblock to future developments. Scientists have recently managed to “grow” the world’s first lab created meat product, something with the potential to make improvements to the current wasteful meat farming practices. Perhaps it is time for businesses to conduct and release more research on the human health effects of their products to regain the trust of the public.






Gold mine under fire.

  Canadian gold mining company Belo Sun Mining is being prosecuted by the Brazilian public ministry for their Volta Grande gold mine, located in the Amazon forest. According to environmentalists and federal authorities, Belo Sun has failed to release studies that  address the cultural and environmental damage their operation would cause to the area.

  In addition to  lack of research, the questionable intentions of Belo Sun are highlighted from the discrepancy between initial mineral reports, reported as 37.8 million tonnes and current reports which are listed as 88.1 million tonnes leading us to further question Belo Sun’s intentions, as a larger operation would create more damage than initially projected.

  The Amazon  is home to more than ten million species of plants and animals, many of which are exclusive to the area or endangered. The rainforest, which spans more than 2.5 million square miles, is estimated to produce more than 20% of the world’s oxygen. While it is full of untapped resources ready to be exploited, the repercussion that may follow the disruption of such a delicate ecosystem will be far greater than Belo Sun and the local population.

Effects of gold mining in the state of Para where Volta Grande is set to begin production in 2016.

Effects of gold mining in the state of Para where Volta Grande is set to begin production in 2016.





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