Are bloggers worth the investment?


I have been working with influential bloggers in the beauty and fashion industry for approximately four years now and it has been very exciting to see the growth and influence that bloggers have today. Not only does this influence effect consumers but it also has had a strong effect on how brands will approach their marketing strategies and advertising spend.

One of the most interesting things I have come across as a marketing strategist is convincing a successful matured brand that digital media and working with bloggers is a better investment over the investment in print media. To me, print is dead.  Next time you are on public transport or even a café, look around and take note of  how many people are looking at a newspaper or magazine, I bet there will be more people looking at their mobile phone or laptop.

Companies can spend up to $15,000 an issue for a one page ad that will eventually end up in the bin. Alternatively, that $15,000 could be distributed across some of the most influential people in the world to post about your brand on their website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest which has longevity and generally a wider reach of trusted and targeted consumers.  From experience, as soon as one of these influential bloggers posts something related to a brand, you will see an increase in following on the brand’s social media channels as well as traffic to their websites which will lead to purchases. It is important to remember at the end of the day, it is not always about growth on social channels and recognition, rather the primary focus for the client is cash flow.

I am really excited about the blogging industry as statistics show that they are a great purchase influence. According to the Technorati June 2013 report, blogs ranked as the third influence to purchases below retail websites and brand websites.



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