My first Sponsored Instagram Post


A few weeks back I had a new type of post pop up in my Instagram feed from Instagram themselves. It stated that I can expect to get sponsored posts in the coming weeks and can hide them if they bother me. My initial reaction was a negative one and didn’t want to see sponsored content from anyone I didn’t already follow. Although, when I got my first post, It didn’t bother me at all when in fact, I started to think how this is a great thing for brands.

Instagram sponsored posts  is a great way to get more creative and catch the eye of someone scrolling through the newsfeed.  What Ben & Jerry’s have done is create several aesthetically pleasing and professional looking photos and appears to have targeted different photos to different people. I started looking into what other people are seeing and t was surprised to see that Ben & Jerry’s had created such a variety of sponsored posts and I have only received these two:




Both of these posts appeared several days apart and are the only sponsored posts I have seen so far and both times they have caught my eye.  I am looking forward to seeing other brands roll out their sponsored posts.


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