Mac vs PC

One new admit asked about laptops. You definitely need one, though if it’s a Mac or PC is up to you. I have a Mac and everything’s worked well for me. However, there is one simulation program you’ll need to work that can only run on PCs, so I recommend you get a version of Parallels to run Windows on. It’s a group project and you could also partner with people on your team to input info, but it’s always helpful to have the access to do it yourself…

Apart from that, a printer could come in handy because some papers are due early in the morning, and as we’ve discovered, those so-called 24/7 printing stores like Kinkos have a way of closing the nights before you have to hand in a paper…

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1 Response to Mac vs PC

  1. says:

    Thank you so much for posting the information about Mac vs. PC. It was extremely helpful.Another question I have is regarding the MBA Student Society (is that what it is called?). I am wondering:-What sort of programming do they run?-What resources do they offer MBA students?-Most importantly, how does one become a member on the executive? Are there elections? When are they held? -Are there are campus clubs and organizations that cater to MBA students? How do I get in touch with them?Thank you!

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