More questions!

Here are some more:

1. How strong is the alumni network? Are they connected to the Sauder community? Do they help the current students finding internships/jobs along?
The alumni are very important and you’ll have a chance to meet them during the program. Many of the guest speakers that come to classes and events are Sauder alumni. The BCC is also working to strengthen relations between alumni in different cities. During a trip to Toronto to meet employers, students from Sauder met with alumni who live there.

2. Are there on-campus work opportunities for students?
The full-time MBA program is really time-consuming, so I don’t recommend working during classes. There are jobs in food courts, etc. for UBC students, but you probably won’t have time for that.

3. What are the main obstacles for international students while searching jobs/internships in Canada? Does one start at entry level or do employers give credit to previous work experience?
I can tell you my experience as an international student. A big issue for getting a job (especially full time) is Canadian experience. However, the MBA program can really help. I was very lucky and got an internship with RIM, though it was really competitive (I competed with MBAs all over Canada). Of course, I made a big effort to do research and prepare for the interview. In a way, the MBA program becomes your “recommendation”. The level that you start in will depend on whether you’re changing careers or industries, etc.

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