Nice is Nice

Earlier this year I wrote about the Exchange Possibilities that the MM program provides you with – and here I am, sitting in Nice, France having just finished mine!

It went by so quickly! I attended EDHEC Business School. It was in such an amazing location, overlooking the Mediterranean Ocean. My experience was great, I took two courses on the European Union and the school had set up many company and city visits. One of the greatest ones was visiting MANE, a perfume and flavour factory that makes all the scents that you find in every daily product you use. That L’Oreal shampoo you use? MANE created the scent for it. The YSL perfume, MANE’s as well. What really elevated this visit was spending time with Monsieur Mane himself, he set aside an hour for us to ask him any question we could think of, and joined us for lunch after. We received such a holistic overview of the MANE organization, from manufacturing to leadership; it was a very well planned trip by EDHEC.

Being on this study abroad also provided me with the opportunity to travel to amazing places. I visited small villages on the French Riviera, as well as Monaco, Cannes, and Barcelona. I also met many other international students. Although our class was only 18 people, everyone had very different backgrounds and we had a great time getting to know each other throughout the course.

I would definitely recommend taking advantage of the study abroad opportunities that the Master of Management program offers. I truly enjoyed the educational experience in another country, as it offers new perspectives – and you get to travel! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Off to eat more croissants, au revoir!



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