Nearing the End of the Road





When we started the MM program in September, I remember alumni and faculty telling our cohort that the program would be done before we knew it and to make the most of it. They weren’t joking! Period 5, our last and final set of courses, has arrived! Just five more weeks of classes and we will be on our merry way – out of the comfort of room 337, the MM Lounge and breakout rooms – and into the real business world. No more Mikes Bikes simulations, just real world decisions!

As we near the end of the program, many questions fill our minds – “What’s next? More school? Will I be deported after my visa expires?” and the scariest of them all, “Will I get that job I’ve been working toward?” But as we contemplate our future and look forward to May 25th, let’s not forget to enjoy the moment. I mean, where else can we get free lunches, sweet treats that magically show up in the lounge when we are stressed, or a personal support team that is dedicated to our careers! But above all, the thing that I will miss most is the camaraderie with my fellow MMs. Never was one of the late nights I spent at Sauder without a little fun and laughter. In a few years, I may not remember what TQM stood for or whether something is a debit or credit. But what I will remember are those many study sessions always filled with laughter, food and friendship. I value the new friendships I made and the people I study with because of the genuine respect and concern we have for each other. While some of us want to work in the same industry and are pursuing the same positions, never do we hold back from helping each other apply for those same jobs. These are the kinds of connections and friendships that I’m happy to leave the MM program with.

As we move into our last term, I want to encourage each of you to finish strong. Not just academically but in every aspect of the MM experience. Make connections, develop your brand and above all build lasting friendships. Ask yourself, “what do I want to leave with after MM,” then make it happen over the next five weeks we have left together. Make the most of the rest of your MM experience!

Peace out – Brennan Lee

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