An Angel?…Or a Devil?

Bill Gates has been reported of having donated $750 million (US Dollars) to fight AIDS, TB and malaria. This act of donation comes to show how wonderful, caring and loving man Bill Gates is, but is this all there is to it? By donating a huge amount of money, Bill Gates can win the attention of the public and get free advertisement. In fact, it is a great move as a marketing strategy, although quite costly. Nonetheless, the amount of the donation is only a small portion of money he has earned. So in that sense, a huge amount of money for us may not be much to Gates. Also, whether Gates has intended it as a marketing move or not, he had to invest certain amount of money into it regardless. The blog posted in Computer World states that his donations were his application of return on investment analysis to philanthropy. But in the end, nobody knows what his real aim is behind the donation. Then, let us retain faith in humanity by believing in the good.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates speaks Thursday at the World Economic Forum in the Swiss resort of Davos.

(Image from

Chapple, I. (2012, January 26). Gates donates $750 million to fight aids, tb and malaria. Retrieved from

1 thought on “An Angel?…Or a Devil?

  1. Angel or devil?

    The question is, what exactly is an angel?

    It’s a question we’re all asking ourselves these days.

    With the threat of climate change, terrorism, and other challenges that seem to be taking over our lives, it’s hard for us to know what to believe in anymore.

    Does God exist? Is there life beyond Earth? Are there other dimensions or worlds out there? Are science and religion compatible with each other? Are we alone in this universe or are we connected to others through some kind of Angel Number Meanings universal energy field?

    Scientists disagree on these questions and more. So do religious leaders. But one thing they can all agree on is the most important thing—that humans are more alike than different! We share so many common traits that make us human: our emotions, our intelligence, and our ability to communicate with each other effectively. We all have the same needs for food and shelter; we all want security from harm; we all want love from those close to us.

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