Thoughts On

A Damper on the City’s Sustainable Plans!

Posted by in Sustainability Marketing

Vancouver has always been a city that strives to be better than itself. You have to commend both the provincial and the federal government for doing such a great job in natural resource management and generally building a greener, healthier province. Currently, the city has a new Renewable City Strategy which sets the ambitious goal of becoming 100% renewable by 2050. The province is planning on achieving this objective through a variety of methods which include the Zero Emissions Building Plan (ZEBP) and Green Buildings Policy for Re-zonings. The ZEBP…read more


Kelp! Kelp! SEA-What I mean?

Posted by in Sustainability Marketing

In a world where bacon is poisoning us, lab-grown meat is a juicy investment, and insect protein is continuing to gain popularity as a valid food source, you really should start worrying about your food. In the bigger picture the entire agricultural industry needs to be re-worked, and so do our general food habits. More sustainable foods will become more popular with time purely out of need, some will gain popularity faster than others. Some foods will face resistance. Now let’s say there is a crop that requires you to…read more


Cleaner Ships or We’re All Sunk!

Posted by in Sustainability Marketing

We’ve studied how companies are using the SCOR Model to garner more value through ethical, social, economic and environmental drivers within their supply chain. One very important part of most companies supply chain is shipping. About 90 percent of everything we buy as consumers will travel on ships at some point. These same ships are also burning fossil fuel and contributing significantly to warming atmospheres and shifting climates. The main issue with these cargo ships is that they still use “bunker fuel”; the crude, sludgy remains of the petroleum refining process….read more


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