BlackBerry Falling Behind in the Third Quarter

“In 30 seconds, it’s quicker to show you what it can’t do.”  This was the slogan for the BlackBerry Z10 Super Bowl commercial, which was part of the second phase of a marketing strategy to reinvent the lagging smartphone contender.  The company previously known as Research in Motion Ltd. has rebranded itself to hopefully attract consumers that identify with its primary product, and hence RIM became BlackBerry on January 30, 2013.  Following a statement from the Chief Marketing Officer, Frank Boulben, stating that marketing success will be based on organic word-of-mouth buzz for its new product, BlackBerry has unveiled a three stage marketing plan to refresh their image and gain back consumer loyalty after losing much of their sales to Apple’s iPhone and Samsung Androids.  In Phase 1, BlackBerry’s main goal was to generate talk about what the new BlackBerry operating system is capable of, so face-to-face demonstrations were given to influential people within the industry and public figures.  This was followed up with Phase 2, a video-based platform that will encourage viewers to go online and see what BlackBerry is going to offer next, the largest promotion for which was the aforementioned Super Bowl commercial which ran during the third quarter on Sunday.  Their marketing plan will conclude with an initiative called “Keep Moving” which will document creative projects being supplemented by the technology available with the new BlackBerry 10 operating system, spearheaded most notably by singer Alicia Keys.  Although BlackBerry’s marketing strategy is comprehensive in that it targets a broad audience, the company has a lot of ground to make up in the smartphone industry, which is more likely to be taken with customer loyalty rather than replication of product capabilities. With such a lock on the full QWERTY keyboard market, perhaps BlackBerry should be focussing on capitalizing on their place within the corporate world instead of chasing after an audience for personal smartphones that is seemingly dominated by Apple and Samsung.

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