The End

I cannot believe how fast time flies by. It feels to me that we have been in this class only for few weeks. However, all our assignments are over and all that is left is our learnings about this class. I have decided to major in Marketing. This has been an amazing course that helped me made this decision.

My team chose MEC as our company. Now, after all the research we have done about this company, I feel like the CEO. We learned so many different things. Each assignment taught me a different way to look at the company, understand more about how a business work, and to realize that university students could be a great asset for a company.

The first assignments were similar to what he have done in other courses. They included research and things that we were familiar. On the other hand, I have never done a video before. Therefore, this assignment was something completely new for me.

I was not sure if I liked the idea of a video assignment. I thought it would be too hard for us, considering that no one in our team has done something like this before. However, it turned out to be a great experience. We had fun recording parts for the video, we even thought it would be great to leave bloopers for the end.

When it came to edit the video is when we had the hardest time. It took us so long and we underestimated the difficulty of doing this. Thankfully, my team found a way to make it all work.

I could not be happier after this semester. It has been difficult, but I am so grateful because now I know what I want to do in the future.

Thank you for an unforgettable term.

Powerful Eyeball-Aware Ad For Amnesty International

Amnesty International’s bus stop is an example of how interacting ads can be. So that viewers will be engaged and receive another level of meaning to the overall message.

I find it amazing how technology has improved. This ad is for a campaign that bringing awareness to the problem of domestic violence, which happens at home behind doors when nobody is watching. The ad uses a camera to detect faces, it waits few seconds to change the picture of a man hitting his wife, to one of what we see a normal couple. Viewers will then understand why the message says “It Happens When Nobody is Watching.”

Using an interactive ad retains the viewers attention, making them look for a longer time and giving more time to the message to be understood. An ad that is aware of when people are looking is something completely new for most of us. However, this ad has been in a bus stop since 2009. This is really useful because people could know the amounts of viewers during a period of time. Therefore, the advertisers would have proof that they are getting what they are paying for.

On the other hand, this requires expensive technology, which make ads difficult to scale. However, companies like Amnesty International, which is a company that works to protect human rights, have proven us that we can do much more and send a really strong message to community like domestic violence with the technology that already exists.

I believe that in the near future we will see more ads like this one, with interactive messages that will engage us in new ways. Amnesty International has done an excellent job to raise our awareness in an important issue that we could help prevent it from happening.



Pepsi’s marketing campaigns

Pepsi is a well known company that has made a variety of commercials during the years. In most of these, Pepsi has used celebrity endorsement. We have seen many different artists in Pepsi commercials.

Pepsi used to make commercial against its major competitor, Coca cola. In this video, Jackie Chan is part of a commercial where they send a message saying that Pepsi is better than Coke. However, many of Pepsi’s commercials including the Coca cola brand have been banned. In this year, we have seen the most famous artists in Pepsi billboard or commercials, including Sofia Vergara, Britney Spears and One Direction. This allows Pepsi to reach to a broader market, where this artist’s fans, due to celebrity endorsement, will try to act like them and consume what this celebrities promote.

The latest artist that has been a part of Pepsi’s advertisement is Beyonce. However, Beyonce’s latest 50 million contract with Pepsi has brought a lot of controversy.

The artist has been a part of different campaigns against obesity, including Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move fitness campaign. Therefore, the fact that now she is working with Pepsi means that millions of shoppers across the world will see a hyper-sexualized woman, literally pushing a product that is known to contribute to obesity and its related health problems like diabetes and heart disease.

This has brought a lot of controversy on the media, but there is no doubt that these Pepsi ad executives know what they are doing. They have taken one of the biggest pop stars and sex symbols in the world, and conflated her talent and success with their product, it is marketing genius. Who suffers as a result? Maybe the people that always suffer from predatory ad campaigns, but Pepsi will do just fine with this new campaign.



Magazine cover that raises questions

The controversial cover of the May issue of Time Magazine featuring an image of a 26-year-old California mother breastfeeding her 3-year-old son had conversations swirling on television, radio and social media.

The caption, “Are you Mom Enough?” has caused a controversy that is sure to go on for a long time to come. The article itself, titled “The Man who remade Motherhood” is about Dr. William Sears and his style of parenting commonly referred to as “attachment parenting.”

In a world where, sadly, there are so many parents who simply don’t parent at all, shouldn’t we support the moms who are working hard to raise their children no matter what their particular “style” is?  Isn’t it more important that a mom decides to love and support her children than for her to feel compelled to breast feed and share a bed with them?

However, many mothers do feel offended after seeing this. The article implies how different mothers raise their children. The fact that they ask “are you mom enough?” has made feel some mothers as if they are being judged in the way they raised their children.

However, even when the magazine replies to all the critics they say that every parent asks themselves: how they’re doing in terms of parenting their child, and that gets to a debate that kind of exists within every parent.

I do think we all ask ourselves how we are doing our job. In my opinion, being a parent must be the hardest and most amazing job

On the other hand, I do not think that Time Magazine should put a question like that in their cover. By doing so, they do not make parents question if they could improve as a parent. On the opposite, they just create a feeling of anger because they may feel judged by someone who wrote an article and believes that is the right way of raising children.

Unusual commercial

Zazoo Commercial

The Belgium company Zazoo made a commercial advertising condoms. However, I do think it is a shocking commercial. In my opinion, it can be really funny for many people, but at the same time you do get surprised when you realize what the commercial is about. This commercial got banned in some places. However, its popularity keeps increasing until now. Zazoo released this commercial in Dutch and French before adding English subtitles to appeal to a wider audience in 2006.

This commercial has a psycho graphic segmentation basis, it makes consumers think about their lifestyle and their self-values, showing them how a child affects a man’s life. This commercial target’s market are men that are not ready to have children. They do this to show it in a funny way but many people have found it shocking and some parents do think it is not quite true or ethical to put out this kind of commercials.

This commercial has a very drastic way of marketing. May people agree that using fear in marketing is not ethic, but many people disagree as well. The value added by this commercial is, however, that people should have safe sex. I think it is targeted mostly to teenagers. Most teenagers are not ready for the responsibility of being parents. Therefore, what this commercial is trying to show, is that we do have to be conscious about it and prevent an unexpected pregnancy if we are not ready to deal with everything that will come along with a child.

Having children is a difficult task, and people should be sure that they want to have a family before having any unprotected sex.

Even though some people do leave comments on the video saying that they found this offensive, fear has been used in marketing in many different situations by many different companies. Therefore, I do not see anything bad with this commercial because what they are trying to say is that having sex without protection may lead to pregnancy, and if you are not ready to have children yet, just do not do it.

Walmart’s Eco-friendly cosmetics

Ethical behavior is by its nature individual behavior. We choose to act ethically or to ignore ethical considerations when faced with conflicting behavioral alternatives. The consequences of such behaviors are similarly personal in that we are the ones who will feel the guilt of acting unethically, the pangs of conscience of skirting the “ethical fine line” or the pleasure at “doing what is right.”
WalMart rolled out a cosmetics line aimed at girls as young as 9 years old. The marketing campaign targeted both the girls and their parents, emphasizing the “environmentally friendly” nature of the eye-liner, lip gloss and mascara. Apart from the questionable practice of placing undue emphasis on a child’s appearance, it also is ethically questionable to use a popular movement such as environmentalism to market a completely unrelated product.
Geo-Girl is the line that Walmart rolled out. Even though many people think of it as a game and an idea for little girls to play with their friends, is it really just that?
8 year old girls, that start wearing make up on a regular basis is not something that we are used to see. I could not be able to picture myself as a father and my little daughter wearing make up on a daily basis before she become a teenager. Little girls do play with make up once in a while with their friends. Walmart, however, made this cosmetic line targeting these girls just as if they were grown up women.
Besides all this, Walmart claim that all the make up is environmentally friendly. Is that what we should worry about here? That little 8 to 12 year old girls wear cosmetics as long as they do not damage the environment. Their campaign should not even mention that, in my opinion, they should not have even made that cosmetic line for girls.