Category: Student Projects

  • Campus Botanica

    Campus Botanica

    Campus Botanica

    Campus Botanica

    For this project, Creative Writing student, Saskia Wolsak, created 120 botanical signs for plant species across campus. Each sign features the name of the plant in Latin, English, and the species’ local language, as well as an unusual fact about that plant. The project combines perspectives from the sciences, history, anthropology, poetry and literature to create this engaging display of public art.

    For this project, Creative Writing student, Saskia Wolsak, created 120 botanical signs for plant species across campus. Each sign features the name of the plant in Latin, English, and the species’ local language, as well as an unusual fact about that plant. The project combines perspectives from the sciences, history, anthropology, poetry and literature to create this engaging…

  • Home/Away




    Student, Chris Evans, explores the concepts of “refuge”, “home”, and “identity” in this art installation that combines species-specific bird houses with narratives from UBC students who came to Canada as political refugees.

    Chris hopes that his work encourages the UBC community to, “think about their own connections to the natural environment, and to engage with those around them, uncovering the stories that make each member of the community unique.”

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    Student, Chris Evans, explores the concepts of “refuge”, “home”, and “identity” in this art installation that combines species-specific bird houses with narratives from UBC students who came to Canada as political refugees. Chris hopes that his work encourages the UBC community to, “think about their own connections to the natural environment, and to engage with…

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