A9: Smell Notes – Marissa

For this assignment, I considered how smell is associated with memory. A commercial bakery near my home releases a very potent smell during late night and early morning baking. The smell is initially pleasant from a reasonable distance, but becomes overwhelming and unappealing when sensed at close proximity. The following map indicates my emotional response to the smell based on proximity, as well as personal memory-based collages that each stage of the smell-experience prompts.

In-Class Exercise: Self Defined
If smell was a space – the moldy storage locker

A4: Above, At, and Below Ground – Marissa

What is happening along the Wild Pacific Trail, in and under the forest? The presence of exposed bedrock indicates that the soil depth throughout the forest could be limited, determining what types of plants grow where and how much water they might receive. This section considers how the exposed rock sometimes interrupts the trail system, and usually can only host small species such as mosses and ferns.
In-class exercise: Apartment building is built into a steep slope along Fraser Street in Vancouver.
In-class exercise: Rain water flows from the roof through a central pipe system, there are no downspouts on this old building.

Assignment z11 Yaying Zhou

in class

at home

This exercise looks at different windows of ancient houses in an old town in Wuzhen, China. There is a pattern of being symmetrical in many directions. The wood grain also tends to follow the long side of wood. Wood joints are also common in all the windows.

A10_Taste Rave_Duncan

Dark chocolate with orange
Lemon juice
Vanilla Fritatta
the culprit
In which eggs is in the bass, cheese is the guitar chords, and the voice (which only comes in halfway through the song [the above is an abridged version] and includes the line “blue, blue electric blue”) is the vanilla — a surprise flavour that sort of sneaks up on you. Sound and Vision is a song off David Bowie’s 1977 album, Low.
Regular frittata
Vanilla frittata

A8_Tuning In_Bruce

In class exercise: Taking in the sounds outside my house
Different sounds measured through time and intensity from a lookout point on the Fraser River
How the sounds function to blend, dominate or disappear
Panorama view of the site


Link to accompanying recording ^^

A9_Smell Notes_Duncan

Ever since I moved to Vancouver the katsura tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) has captured my imagination. Somehow when the leaves turn colour and fall they smell almost overwhelmingly sweet, like burnt sugar (as though there was a giant crème brûlée in the lane — a scaled-up version of the one my father makes with his butane kitchen torch). This animation represents the haptic and olfactory experience of walking under one of these trees in autumn, during which all other sensory inputs dissolve away.

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