A11 | Visual Thinking | Yette Gram

Neighbourhood Book Exchange Redesign

Assignment 11

Collected examples of neighbourhood book exchange boxes around east Vancouver.

Inspiration was also drawn from bee boxes, bird houses, human houses, art installations, and sheds.


In Class Exercise: Inspecting my flight of stairs
Plan View: How do cats interact with a staircase?


Link to Accompanying Video ^^^^

A10 | Noora | Taste Rave & Drinking Object

In-class: recording the smell and taste of clove, as well as its container.
In-class: Mapping the taste of clove and how it travels through the mouth.
In-class: recording and mapping the smell and taste of fennel seeds (although perception was impaired by previous interaction with the clove)
Drinking Object: A (beer) can to reduce volume consumed while providing a complete consumptive experience.

A8 | Tuning in & Windplay | Yette Gram

Tuning In Assignment

Construction: A Fantasia for Concert Band

This animation shares the auditory experience of living and working across the street from a construction site.

Tuning In

Visual Notetaking from a Soundwalk at Queen Elizabeth Park

Windplay | In Class Exercise

Visual Notetaking of the distance fallen leaves are carried by the wind

A10: Taste rave & drinking object | Vicky Cen

In-class exercise

Comparison between two types of chocolate

The melting process

Assignment 10

Taste rave

Vegetables and fruits that have similar appearance: round and red.

They are actually different in composition of colours, crispiness, sourness and amount of juice.

Drinking object

The glass has two layers. The outer layer is filled with coloured liquid that resembles the drink inside. The layer is sealed so the liquid would always stay in the glass. It can be iced before pouring the drink in. Even though the glass looks big from outside, the volume for drinks is about half of the total volume. The weight and flow of the coloured liquid will make the drinking experience more realistic. It will give an illusion of the glass is full of juice.

Assignment 10 – Josh

Taste- Slurpee

Slurpee with 3 different flavours
This drawings shows the taste, feeling, and touch of drinking the slurpee.
Along with the flavour the color of the slurpee also changes over time

In Class exercise below:

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