Week 11 | Kathryn

A10 | Kathryn Pierre

In-class exercise: tasting chocolate. I tried to represent the sensory expression leading up to eating the chocolate, followed by tracking the spread of the chocolate throughout my mouth as it melted and oozed with the heat and saliva. Finally, I strived to capture the feeling of the oozy coating that chocolate leaves in one’s mouth and throat.
Baroque dance notation used to describe the experience of eating the sandwich. I was inspired by the partnership of the salty and sweet, which work together to frame the experience. Their rhythm is interrupted by the other flavours but ultimately they work together to create a singular whole.

A9 | Kathryn

In Class Exercise: Walking from the back on my apartment building into the lane.
This is a smell map of the scents as I walked down West 4th Avenue in Kitsilano. I tried to mark out where the scents were coming from through colour intensity, where the darkest colours represent the location of the scent and the less pigmented areas represent how far the smell travels

A8 | Kathryn

A6 | Kathryn Pierre

The patterned pavers on the ground are the dominant material on the site. They dictate a lot of how the site feels and is organized

A5 | Kathryn Pierre

My in class object was chosen blindly by feeling around on my nightstand until I landed on an unfamiliar object, my sewing scissors.

A4 | Kathryn Pierre

I conducted a study of the use of the East side of the NEST at UBC on a sunny afternoon one day this week. I wanted to explore whether the new turf field was actually in use – to my delight it was well populated that day. I also looked at the areas around the NEST to study how the availability of green space and spatial programming influences the experience of the gathering space on the western side of the building.

A3 | Kathryn Pierre

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