A10: Taste rave & drinking object | Vicky Cen

In-class exercise

Comparison between two types of chocolate

The melting process

Assignment 10

Taste rave

Vegetables and fruits that have similar appearance: round and red.

They are actually different in composition of colours, crispiness, sourness and amount of juice.

Drinking object

The glass has two layers. The outer layer is filled with coloured liquid that resembles the drink inside. The layer is sealed so the liquid would always stay in the glass. It can be iced before pouring the drink in. Even though the glass looks big from outside, the volume for drinks is about half of the total volume. The weight and flow of the coloured liquid will make the drinking experience more realistic. It will give an illusion of the glass is full of juice.

Assignment 10 – Josh

Taste- Slurpee

Slurpee with 3 different flavours
This drawings shows the taste, feeling, and touch of drinking the slurpee.
Along with the flavour the color of the slurpee also changes over time

In Class exercise below:

A10 Wenting Yang

The opportunity is to play with three different food.
The foods are not likely daily food I have. I got these three food from Chinese Grocery, Weekend farmer market and an I Italian pastry shop.
First, I tried three food separately. The flavour is noticeable, but in a few minutes later, I questioned myself if I make them all together, what going to happen?
In the video, you can see the most potent taste will cover the other flavour in my mouth. The light flavour almost can be ignored.

Exploring a combination of food from Guava, Cheese and Pastry.
In Class Practice Process

A10- Taste Rave

Katie Hunks

Part 1: The Appetizer

Documenting various types of cheese
Looking at the texture of each cheese, with notes on the experience of eating each one

Part 2: Main Course

Mac & Cheese Pie
Looking at different layers of flavour, with notations on when the most significant cheese flavour was observed

Part 3: Time for Dessert

Apple Caramel Cheesecake
Examining layers of flavour using similar methods used above

A10_Wenwen Zhuang

The taste of the chocolate can vary in its different shape and temperature. Here is a bar of dark chocolate with a flavour of almond and coconut. I ate the whole piece of chocolate. In the beginning, I can feel the flavour of cocoa, a little bit bitter but with aroma; then when I started to chew it, the almond flavour came; finally, I can taste more shredded coconut flakes. By tasting, I experienced not only the flouver of the cholocate but also the texture. The texture of the chocolate is an entirely different attribute, from smooth to coarse. Overall, accompanied with increasing temperature, the flavour of cocoa was becoming stronger and stronger.

A 4 | Above, At & Below Ground | Jennifer Reid

In class activity

This sketch shows the location of the major downspouts on the house in which I live.

The Nest, UBC: On-site Sketches

This is an elevation of the Nest building standing opposite of the main plaza there. I made the mistake of bringing a small sketchbook to the site, which I immediately regretted upon experiencing how difficult it was to fit all the desired elements on the small pages.
This should have been part of the previous drawing. It was meant to illustrate the height of the old student union building (now called the Life building) compared to the new one, at least from where I was standing. The Nest building is actually much taller.

This is probably not an easy sketch to read. The top half is a plan view of where I was and what I could interpret from standing there. The sketch below attempts to show what I could see in front and beside me in perspective. The outdoor area where the garden is was closed so I couldn’t actually step outside to investigate any drainage points for rainwater runoff. That being said, a large white roof was visible, situated just behind the outdoor play area which belongs to the daycare.
This is the white roof mentioned in the previous drawing. It has what appears to be a drainage point near what I perceived to be the center of the roof, and holes on each of the parapet walls. These holes might be for overflow, in case of heavy rainfall or perhaps the occasional snow melt which always melts very quickly in our climate. This is something I decided to explore further using aerial photos.
This is a plan view of continuation of the previous plan view. I wanted to figure out which areas inside would receive the most sunlight, and which were the most shaded. The hallway opposite of the nest theater was nice and shady, whereas the study area opposite of the nest down on the third floor was super bright and sunny. The skylights above also casted some interesting shadows.
This is another sketch that is not easy to read. This is a drawing I meant to clean up on the computer. Something I noticed from where I was standing is that the trees outside area actually shorter than the building.
I went to the Gallery restaurant as it was the only above-ground outdoor space in the Nest which was open. Something I notice here was that the paving stones have small gaps between them which would allow rainfall to enter.
Here is a section of the paving stones showing where the rain would hit, and where the runoff would enter. I am not sure where this water would collect, but It is something I have been meaning to explore further.

Further exploration

This digital drawing is based on my site sketch, but building height in relation to surrounding objects should be more accurate. I plan to further develop this further.
This is a plan view of the roof, which I used a aerial photo to figure out where all the drainage holes are. The arrows indicate the direction of rainwater runoff towards the drain. This is another drawing which needs some further development. The garden is at the top left, and the skylights are situated to the right of it.

Section arriving soon……

A10 | Kathryn Pierre

In-class exercise: tasting chocolate. I tried to represent the sensory expression leading up to eating the chocolate, followed by tracking the spread of the chocolate throughout my mouth as it melted and oozed with the heat and saliva. Finally, I strived to capture the feeling of the oozy coating that chocolate leaves in one’s mouth and throat.
Baroque dance notation used to describe the experience of eating the sandwich. I was inspired by the partnership of the salty and sweet, which work together to frame the experience. Their rhythm is interrupted by the other flavours but ultimately they work together to create a singular whole.

A9-Wenting Yang

Study of smell in a spaces.

The orange dash line shows the walking step in the bathroom. Most of the smell is from the hand soap and wet mopping cloths. The scents are located in the four corners. In the centre, there are not many smells.

In Class Practice Process
Assignment 9

I went to Remi. Patisserie, one of popular patisserie in Vancouver at the weekend. I tried to record the most significant smell when I passed the store and the smell in the store. The store is very busy, so the street parking is also busy. When I stand on the outside, the vehicle exhaust was polluted arrow the street. One of guy after me has perfume, very fresh and like on the beach. The patisserie had very complex smells, but the most significant smell is bakery, butter, lemon and orange. The flat dessert from oven has very strong egg smell.

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