7-Eleven’s Makeover

7-Eleven is one of the biggest convenience store chains around the world. In order to dominate the Swedish market, BVD helped 7-Eleven reposition their brand. The result was a more modern and put-together concept for the store. BVD also helped to further establish the company’s coffee.

Similar to 7-Eleven’s rebrand in Sweden, WD Partners is now designing a 7-Eleven in New York that will be different from the other chains throughout North America. Although this new New York chain has a different look, it will still feature the company’s old logos on its cups, napkins, etc. WD Partners claims this new branding for 7-Eleven has been nicknamed “7-Eleven Next Generation“.



Personally, the pictures of the New York 7-Eleven reminds of a grocery store (similar to Whole Foods). However, this new design grew on me. WD Partners believes the makeover will “reposition and rejuvenate the convenient stores to better capture the millennial and female demographics and better align them with the constantly changing customer base.”

As discussed in class, the female segment has caught marketers’ attention, so many companies are trying to attract this demographic. Since the New York 7-Eleven store appeals to me, I believe WD Partners has done a great job with rebranding.

As well, it is smart for 7-Eleven to adjust its traditional signature stores when entering different markets. In order to successfully expand into the competitive Swedish and New York markets, the company recognized they would need to adapt to fit the different cultures. Ultimately, I look forward to seeing how 7-Eleven continues to rebrand and how this will affect 7-Eleven’s customers.






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