Response to “stakeholder theory”

I enthusiastically agree that in order for a business to be successful they must create value – worth and importance, for customers, supplyers, employees etc. Values in general influence attitudes and behaviour. If people know they are an important asset to the organization or company that will induce the confidence for them to speak up and voice their ideas and thoughts. By knowing that your not just a spec on a large counter top, but rather a valuable and important appliance, ready to contribute when and where needed, makes for a much more positive attitude toward ones job. Those who feel they are valuable in the workplace will be more engaged, job satisfied, and will work hard to prove that they ARE indeed important. Treating all groups in the organization with equal importance will benefit all individuals, producing greater productivity and success for the business. Those who lack value in an organization won’t feel they have to step up to the plate because they know their opinion wouldn’t matter. An unhappy employee = negativity = lower productivity = less benefit for the organization.
I am all for creating equitable divisions of importance in the workplace!

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