Behind the Scenes

About Me

The boring part that I’m a second-year student at UBC’s Sauder School of Business, hoping to specialize in HRM or Marketing (or both) with International Business.  Like many others of my generation, I was born in a country far, far away and have grown up here in a myriad of different races of cultures.

The interesting part — what could be called the “point of differentiation” — is perhaps the way that I deal with this myriad.  I like to call myself two things: a seer and a feeler.  I watch the people and the events around me and allow my emotions to get laced up in the middle of it all.  This could be largely why I find myself so intrigued by the world of advertising, and how it can toy with the emotions of those watching — making them soar freely or plummet into dark corners of the mind.

An avid lover of foreign films and historical fiction, here I am trying to tie it all together in business school.

And no that is not me in the banner photo.

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