Deals for a Jobs Biography Already Sealed

With the success of its movie tributes of Michael Jackson in “This Is It” and Mark Zuckerberg in “The Social Network”, Sony Pictures Entertainment has already taken up the role of creating a movie-biography of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. The company is reported to have bought the rights from Aspen Institute CEO Walter Isaacs just 3 days after Jobs’ death.

In the past, it was a rarity to see movies base their subject on current events, since casting, acting, and production would often take years to complete. But with their last biographical hit “This Is It”, Sony was able to wrap things up mere months after Michael Jackson’s death, leading to box office success — no doubt, the company plans to do the same with its new project. While this will be a pressured and daunting task, Sony is ensuring its own success by aiming to release the film while the interest of audiences will still be geared towards Jobs and his remarkable life. By being the first to jump to the task and promising to deliver it swiftly, with the mere efficiency of time, Sony Pictures Entertainment is establishing a secure market and its company’s prosperity.