“Slow-mercial”-izing in a Fast-Paced World?

Browsing through some classmates’ blogs, my attention was caught by one of Tiffany’s posts — regarding a video made by Volkswagen, introducing their new concept called the “Slowmercial” that is being used to mitigate the problem of viewers fast-forwarding through advertisements.

Tiffany discusses how this style of advertising will garner more brand exposure due to its motionless text and extended exposure of the product’s message, and I do agree to some extent. It is definitely innovation in terms of advertising in the modern-day, however, I question its effectiveness. In an environment filled with individuals weary of advertising who are — as Volkswagen claims — “fast-forwarding their TV commercials 80% of the time”, is it really a good idea to tease them with the idea that they’ll never be able escape from that suffocating grip of companies trying to force their messages down their throats?

Maybe I’m speaking a little harshly, and maybe I’m thinking pessimistically due to my own exhaustion but I feel that if it were me, I would only feel frustration upon attempting to fast-forward my TV ads only to see an unchanging Volkswagen logo linger there for 5 seconds, as if the company is attempting to outsmart me. And believe me, I actually take pleasure in watching advertisements — but when you don’t want to see them, you justĀ don’t want to see them.