The real Hunger Games

I was watching the trailer for this documentary coming out..

A Place at the Table Trailer

And a line from it stood out to me: “If another country was doing this to our kids, we would be at war”. And that really struck me.

How is America, the RICHEST country in the world having so much problems feeding it’s own people? Is the problem in the food supply chain? Does it exist with income distribution? Perhaps the answer is a matter of not just equitable food distribution but maybe that of political will? Is this a failure of a distribution system, economic system or a lack of a political will to do something about it? Should politics even be considered in this equation? How do we solve this? Is it a matter of just spending more on social welfare or is that not a sustainable option? This ties into the idea of a messy situation.

Oh hey, its on Netflix? Guess what I’m watching tonight….