Archive for March, 2011

Common on Natalie Shojania’s blog

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

          In Natalie’s blog, Natalie talks about one of the most popular over ear headphone- Beats. Natalie lists some reasons that why Beat are such successful. The design is really important; however, the promotion is really contributed to its success.                Actually, the company is not that famous at making headphone compare with its current […]

Commont on ZhangLu’s blog

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

              Zhanglu talks about the influences of the earthquake to the supply chain in Japan. Due to the shock of the Japan’s economy, many companies consider to change their strategy. It brings me some idea that. Through there are lots companies have a shortage in their supply chain so that they have to consider to […]

learning the culture before being a marketer

Monday, March 21st, 2011

My favorite is to talk to my friend because conversions are greatest way to increase the friendship between, but also I can learn lots of knowledge and experiences from them. One of them is working in company’s marketing department that located downtown.           The greatest thing is to talk about their working experiences with them. […]

Galaxy Table P1000

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

                       Recently, Ipad 2 was introduced that to continue to attract new and old customers to purchase. The success of ipad is not a big supersize because of the product of Apple which has a strong brand image. The competitor in the market has seen the ipad have its own customer segment, and it is […]

Facebook Advertising

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

                     The widespread use of Facebook created a greatly unique platform for advertising, I believe there are some companies that are really want spent money this. Most of people in the young generation (not only them) own their home pages on the Facebook. Those people may not watch TV, read newspaper, or listen to radio […]

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