Common on Natalie Shojania’s blog

by shengyuanfang ~ March 31st, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

          In Natalie’s blog, Natalie talks about one of the most popular over ear headphone- Beats. Natalie lists some reasons that why Beat are such successful. The design is really important; however, the promotion is really contributed to its success.

               Actually, the company is not that famous at making headphone compare with its current customers such as, Beyerdynamic, or Sennheiser. The quality of the sounds of Monster Beats is lower than these companies. However, its’ market share in this industry is increasingly high. One reason of the product can be widespread known is the company finds a great partner which is Apple. The growing speed of Apple has been brought lots of opportunities to some other companies. Apple is the retailer of the Monster Beats. People who are interested in purchasing ipod or iphone may be considering owning a Monster Beats Headphone. Monster Beats is provided to each Apple store as an equipment to connect with ipod or iphone.  When customers try Apple’s products they will use Monster Beats to listen to music, which builds a platform of trying the headphone to customers. If Monster Beats did not do this, there would be less customers are interesting in trying it.


             Moreover, we have never seen any ads on TV or magazines of the Monster Beats. However, it uses the most effective way to attract customers’ attention to notice it in a shortest time period. It has been used by lots of famous actors, singers, and athletes. For example, Eminem,  Soulja Boy, LeBron, Henry and Kobe.

Natalie Shojania’s blog:


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