Marketing has started to change my mind

by shengyuanfang ~ January 19th, 2011

        The first article I want to talk about that how I think about Marketing before I take this course because at the end of the term, I want to see the changes that this course brings to me. I think that marketing is the most important part in any kind of business activities. However, I simply think that marketing = selling product/ services to customers. It does matter how good the products/ services that you have, if a company can not exchange them to cash/ profit, the company still is a loser. That is the reason that I think that marketing is very imperative. I think that in a successful business, marketing does not help a company to develop a successful product; instead, marketing can help a product that has show a little successful in the market to be more successful. In everyday life people are confronted with lots of problems, the new products are developed to solve those problems… Now, I can continue to write it, I see that I was totally wrong before due to the materials that I have learnt during the pass two weeks. The development of a new product really depends on the analysis of the environment and the customers. I hope the course will totally change my mind because I already see lots of changes occur in my understanding of the marketing after 2 weeks classes.

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by shengyuanfang ~ January 11th, 2011

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