If the United Nations was Fully Funded, why would we Need the Arc or Social Enterprise?
Since its inception in 1945, the United Nations has become a medium for individual countries to address key global issues through collaboration. Although greater funding will ensure that the UN has the resources to take greater action, it is possible that smaller, localized issues may be ignored. This creates a gap that can be filled with social entrepreneurship.

Image from http://www.povertycure.org/media/blog/what-is-a-social-entrepreneur-and-why-do-they-matter/
Like the UN, social enterprise and initiatives such as the Arc are dedicated to addressing challenges encountered by communities around the world. By providing individuals and communities with the knowledge and infrastructure to tackle these issues independently, social entrepreneurship offers solutions that are sustainable in the long term. Because these communities are given the freedom to approach problems creatively, they can become self-sufficient and develop strategies to address future challenges.
Social enterprise and the United Nations must work jointly to confront the issues of today and tomorrow. Relative to the size of the UN, social enterprises are much smaller. They also have fewer resources, which prevents them from tackling more complex issues that impact larger regions and/or multiple countries. I believe the United Nations should focus their efforts on larger issues such as disease and famine. However, the UN should guarantee that social entrepreneurs have the ability to access new locations and offer solutions to previously unaddressed problems. This can be done by providing them with appropriate funding and proper resources.