Milka giving the French some love

Ever had a bar of chocolate that had one piece missing? Well Milka chocolate bars in France have just that! Their new marketing stunt (done by Buzzman Paris) is that the missing piece of chocolate could be asked back by the consumer (to be eaten by him/her) or it could be mailed to another person.

The consumer can attach a short note with it if he chooses to mail the last piece of chocolate to another person. All the consumer has to do is visit Milka’s website and they can choose what to do with their last square! It is quite ingenious isn’t it?

To me this marketing idea went out of the box and is much different compared to the norm. As it said in the youtube video description “To bring life to Milka’s brand promise (dare to be tender), Buzzman decided to use the chocolate bar itself as the main media of the campaign”. This is what made it so different compared to other marketing ideas. It truly does stand out.

Watch this video and you can decide for yourself whether you “Dare to be tender” if you buy their chocolate bars.



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