December 2020

Unit 3: Reflection

The Unit 3 mainly focuses on “You Attitude” writing strategy and Proposal report. The first part is “You Attitude” which is a really useful strategy of writing in the real life. The second part is the most monumental task in this course. Since we had already done a lot of preparing works such as report progress memo, peer reviewing and prepared survey and interviews, formal report is less daunting than I expected.

You Attitude

Before practicing of You Attitude writing strategy, I didn’t realize my writing for the previous assignments such as peer review was somewhat impolite. The core of this writing strategy is to switch the position when you want to persuade other people. Avoiding using pronouns when criticizing, keeping a positive tone, and emphasizing reader’s benefit instead of yourself are simple strategy make the writing more effective and persuasive. I start to implement this strategy in my email when I communicate with Go Global office and HR.It is a surprise to see some of the replies use the same strategy.

Formal report

At this stage of writing formal report, I feel I went back to my previous university writing essays about policy or literature. This assignment requires communication, insightful ideas and critical thinking which I haven’t enjoy for a while since the study of computer science and pressure to find a internship occupied my life.I also received an invitation for an interview from a friend taking ENGL301. The interview went amazing, we had a discussion about the impact of pandemic on distant study. I am tried of locking myself in a room and facing computer studying for whole day. Since my report is about waste management in Edinburgh, this assignment give an opportunity to reconnect to my friends in Edinburgh.This is not just a piece of work but a break to escape the disappoinment and recharge myself by reaching out the real people in my life.

Peer review of formal report is a process of self reflection. I notice there are some similar issues in my report that could confuse its readers due to the disorganization of the Data anayasis. The strategy of combine Data analysis and arguments need more practice.

Enclosure: 301-Shuge-Luo-Formal-Report-Draft