
Welcome. This blog contains coursework for ENGL 301: Technical Writing. ENGL 301 is a distance education course which teaches student how to write for business and professional purposes.  The course utilizes UBC Blogs. The course book is Technical Communication, 15 Edition by John M. Lannon; Laura J. Gurak. The course is divided into four units. The duration of each unit is 3 weeks. Assignments include email memos, a formal report, an application package and a webfolio. Students are also required to complete self-reflections and peer reviews Each student will create a blog to post their assignments. They will organize into writing teams of 4 people and engage on the Team Forum. Students will also interact with their peers for class discussions and peer review. There is no final exam for the course.

For me, writing is both a skill and a vital art form. A good book allows the reader to use their own imagination and intellect. The most cherished literature both criticizes and celebrates the complexity of the human condition.

During the pandemic most of communication with my professors and peers was conducted through email. This taught me the importance of being concise, precise and clear. I enrolled in this course because I wanted a structured guide on how to approach technical communication. Technical communication will allow me to communicate with potential publishers and sponsors in a professional and courteous style. It will also strengthen my creative writing as I will learn to write efficiently and clearly.