Molson Knows Just How To Make You Thirsty

So what does it mean to be Canadian? Well, according to Russell Peters, to be Canadian is to cook hamburgers on the BBQ, to me, it is being in touch with and appreciative towards the beautiful outdoors we are surrounded by. According to Joe, it is being able to sew your flag proudly on your backpack, and finally according to the newest Molson Canadian commercial, to be Canadian is to get together with friends and party outlandishly, making people think of you are a fun, outgoing, crazy cool person.

Reflecting upon the Joe Canadian commercial our class watched earlier in the semester, I was excited to come across the latest version of Molson’s “what it means to be a Canadian campaign” commercial. As a Canadian, this commercial leaves you with a sense of pride, a sense of home, and feelings of being admired. The laidback lives the actors are portrayed to have, lead you to associate a sense of being down-to-earth and simplicity with the Molson brand. These effects strengthen Molson’s brand image and increase brand loyalty from consumers, primarily their Canadian customer base. A brand that can give you a sense of identity, and bring forth emotions from the commercial alone, is truly powerful. Being a consumer who typically prefers a brand such as Kokanee, the fact that I feel the urge to drink Molson simply because I resonate with the brand’s associated lifestyle makes me realize just how strong Molson’s brand image is.

Check out The Canadians!

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1 thought on “Molson Knows Just How To Make You Thirsty

  1. Hey Sienna, thanks so much for taking the time to blog about our Molson Canadian commercials. Personally, “The Rant” with Joe Canadian is still one of my favourite commercials of all time, and I’m really glad to hear that you enjoyed “The Canadians”. There’s lots of different aspects to this campaign, especially on the digital front (check out

    We’ve also got lots of exciting things coming up this year for Molson Canadian, so keep your eye out and let me know your thoughts on them!


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