Volatility vs Persistence

From volatile to persistence, brainstormed while programming…

Most volatile

(parallel stuff changing the same state?)

[In RAM]
Lexically defined variable

Dynamic / global variables

Persistent / static variables

Constants declared in the program code

[In Hard-drive]

A temporary file

A user file with read/write access

A high-clearance file with read/write access

A read-only file

[In Physical Terms]

A file written in an unchangeable Read-only medium, like CDROM

A file written in durable medium for archival purpose.

A data carved out in a traditional medium like a stone tablet or diamond.

[In Transcendent Terms]

A self-reproducing life form / automaton that spreads the information faster than it can be destroyed.

Irreversible physical changes to an object or a collection of objects, with sufficient perpetual side-effects to deduce the original act of change. (Big bang?)

The physical laws that do not change during the lifetime of universe.

Timeless sayings. Re-discoverable by any soul.

The WORD of GOD.

Most persistent.