Phones are all we need?!
I read an article in CNN today about our daily activities being carried out with only a phone! Google Wallet’s product manager Freed-Finnegan “hope[s that] one day [we] can walk out of the house with [a] phone in [our] hand[s] — and nothing else.” It immediately made me think of the article on The phone that works like a bank that we were assigned in one of our readings last week.
According to CNN, techonologists are developing “phone prototypes that could be built into cothing, […and] project their screens on your skin.” Frankly, this kinda of abstract technology makes me fear that in the future, humans would be so dependent on technology that there will be no need for us to do anything ourselves. And then comes the fear of artificial intelligence (AI) taking over the world.
Speaking of AI, IBM’s chess master, Deep Blue, a computer that won against the world’s best chess player, was dismantled in 1997. IBM gave no reason of why the computer was dismantled, but there is reason for people to believe that technicians feared that Deep Blue’s intel would unltimately lead to an AI-run world.
Is technology development going to bring our down-fall?
Word count: 199
Sources: CNN, New York Review of Books
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