Mayor Moonbeam re-elected
A spoof of recently re-elected Gregor Robertson showed up on YouTube two weeks before; it questioned the role of Mayor Robertson when Vancouver was under his lead, and included many controversial issues such as building bike lanes, the Stanley Cup riot, the Olympic Village, and Occupy Vancouver.
Video Source: Mayor Moonbeam on Vimeo. (The original YouTube video has been removed.)
Vision Vancouver suspects that the Non-Partisan Association hired Campaign Research Inc. to post the video in order to attack Robertson to pull votes. NPA spokesman states that he knew of nothing related to this video, but when CTV tried to interview Campaign Research Inc, no calls were answered.
Despite the video parody of Gregor Robertson, he ultimately won the election against Suzanne Anton (who seemed pretty unpleasant after the announcing of the results, and referred to Robertson’s view on supporting Occupy Vancouver). The NPA gained back one council seat in the election, now with two seats instead of one. Prior to the election, the NPA had announced that it was on track for four seats in the council, but resulted in seven seats for Vision Vancouver.
What’s Mayor “Moonbeam” going to do to make Vancouver the greenest city?
Sources: The Globe and Mail, CTV News
Word Count: 181