Cubicles are so last decade… collaborative workspaces are the new trend.
I recently read an article on Harvard Business Review Blog Network about an open workspace for designers to brainstorm and innovate in. Opposite of cubicles, the workspace is an open 2000 square feet space with portable boards, tables, and chairs. VP of Product Design – Catherine Courage, at Citrix, developer of virtualization and cloud softwares, described the process of how the collaborative space came to be.
Photo Credit: Adam Richardson
The purpose of the open space is to implement different work styles centered around collaboration between people at various work locations. According to Courage, interactions between designers have improved drastically and Citrix is very proud of the collaborative working space. Results have shown in the intergation of design into the process of product development.
This article reminded me of the Zappos working environment, in which all employees worked with one another and developed a strong sense of family internal to the company. Although the Zappos employees work in cubicles, it is because of their telemarket nature that forces them into no other option.
Personally, working in an open space available for discussion with fellow claassmates helps me build a better understanding of course material. Silent work is so last decade.
Word Count: 198
Source: HBR Blog Network